Various Artists
Interi Coprimi 16
Digital, Compact Disc
CAT. N: SA-001
RELEASED: 2020-04-30
Music: Alex Marenga, Anacleto Vitolo e Luca Buoninfante, Angelina Yershova, Camilla Pisani, Curved Grooves (Ivano Pecorini, Michele Andreotti), dTHEd (Fabio Ricci, Simone Lanari, Isobel Blank), Domiziano Maselli ed Emilio Pozzolini, Fabio R. Lattuca, Giulio Aldinucci, Kenta Kamiyama, Imok (Matteo di Giambernardino), Marco Malasomma, Matteo Silvestri, Scual (Lorenzo Cco), Stefano Tashi, Ynaktera (Dario Colozza)
Mastering: Tracks 1, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15 mastered by Ynaktera. Track 3 mastered by Marco Malasomma Track 4 mastered by Anacleto Vitolo Track 5 mastered by Fabio Ricci
Artwork and Design: Scual
Additional support and logistics: Fabio Ricci and BinaryCodedBrain
All proceeds will be donated to the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, with the aim of supporting research on Covid-19
"Two or more integer numbers are said to be coprime, if and only if their only common denominator is ±1"
In these extraordinary times, Stochastic Resonance felt the urge to satisfy two very stringent needs: that of mitigating the impact of the new general living conditions and social interactions through what we know as soothing tools, and that of investigating new methodologies and creative tools to virtualize real experiences, given the disruption that the pandemic has brought to the fruition of performances in social settings, such as musical concerts, theater plays, dance, installation performances, clubbing, etc…).
The first need, for many of us, substantially translated into the composition of music, a means to reflect and condense our moods. The results have been concentrated in 16 staggering sound/sonic pills, to mitigate the passage of time, raise a contribution to the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani and to continue cultivating the network of SR's multimedia artists in view of a future in which it will be possible to, once again, apply augmented reality functionalities in outdoor spaces.
The second is been addressed by starting an investigation and the developement of new methodologies and tools to virtualize performance experiences.
The Interi Coprimi 16 compilation therefore represents, so to speak, the zero step of a development path for those tool and environments, created around the artists of the SR roster who will/can be able to renew themselves in a potentially distorted world: that of the post-Covid-19. Given the great uncertainty about the future, the containers that SR will develop will be as dynamic and fluid as possible, so as to adapt to different potential scenarios.
The title of the compilation refers to Euler's function: since all the artists are now in lockdown, the interaction between them took place in a twisted and novel way, if compared to the past. Pending the development, by SR, of environments that can fill the current void or even "augment" the canonical interactive dynamics (pre-Covid19), the artists have worked in the absence of a common denominator, acting as coprime integers numbers.
We really hope this compilation will help soothing temporal fatigue symptoms